Root Canal

No Pain, No Problem?


An unfortunate example of how patient non-compliance can lead to poor outcomes So often I find myself reminding patients to avoid confusing ‘no pain’ with ‘no problem.’ Many dental and non-dental infections progress in an insidious manner, and timely intervention is critical regardless of symptoms. This case highlights that, as well as another [...]

No Pain, No Problem?2021-07-13T01:54:44+00:00

The Importance of Furcation Canals, and Sinusitis


A unique lesion mimicking a root fracture due to a patent furcation canal The MB2 canal of upper molars is highly variable. It can join the MB1 canal, it can be completely absent, and (as in this case) it can have its own separate foramen far short of the radiographic apex. This patient [...]

The Importance of Furcation Canals, and Sinusitis2021-07-13T01:54:07+00:00

Combined Treatment of an Incisor


Surgical and non-surgical treatment of tooth #10 Some teeth require both non-surgical and surgical treatment to resolve an infection, especially if the lesion is cystic. In such cases, if root canal therapy doesn’t reduce the size of the lesion over time, or alleviate symptoms, apicoectomy and placement of a bioceramic retrofilling will lead [...]

Combined Treatment of an Incisor2021-07-13T01:53:42+00:00

Fractured or Not Fractured?


An unclear prognosis of tooth #19 based on radiographic findings The shape, size, and location of an osteolytic lesion are all important in diagnosis, and thus treatment of dental infections. A radiolucency at the periapex of a tooth suggests an endodontic etiology, whereas a ‘J’ shaped lesion that spans the length of a [...]

Fractured or Not Fractured?2021-06-30T02:12:11+00:00

Dens in dente #25


Root canal treatment of a necrotic incisor presenting with dens in dente This patient, an 18 year old male, presented without symptoms to our office in 2012 regarding a periapical lesion associated with #25. Examination revealed irregular root and crown morphology consistent with dens in dente--also termed ‘dens invaginatus.' Root canal treatment was [...]

Dens in dente #252019-03-20T00:57:11+00:00

The Importance of Mid-Mesial Canals, Tooth #31


Unusual anatomy of a mandibular second molar Nonsurgical root canal therapy was performed on #31. During the procedure a mid-mesial canal was detected just lingual to the mesio-buccal orifice, via troughing with an ultrasonic tip and the aid of a dental operating microscope. Radiographs were taken to reveal an abrupt, midroot canal curvature [...]

The Importance of Mid-Mesial Canals, Tooth #312018-04-14T23:44:38+00:00

Resorption Repair, Tooth #21


A combined surgical and non-surgical approach to root resorption treatment. This 61 year-old patient presented asymptomatically with a history of trauma to the posterior right mandible 15 years ago. Examination revealed a J-shaped lesion associated with necrotic tooth #21, and a separate lesion consistent with invasive cervical root resorption that extended from the cemento-enamel [...]

Resorption Repair, Tooth #212019-01-15T17:03:40+00:00
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